Friday, October 03, 2003

haha.. darn right i'm gonna draw a class comic after promos... starring mugger huang (superhero with a superhuman thirst to mug) and his side kick q-man.. haven't thought of all the characs yet, but so far i have mugger huang (mh for short) and q-man, skinhead as the villian, elgin as the "silent master" to mh or someone yoda-like, genie as the "bimbo who needs to be saved from ignorance", lammie as herself (of course, the reason being she's comic enough as it is), remesh as some diva - god knows of what, but i have sudden thoughts of casting her as skinhead's sidekick. haha.. anyway. there was some talk of a "league of extraordinary muggers" consisting of jieqi the leader, cherylene, whose superpower will be her superhuman ability to churn out mindmaps, chun wee, who will be a walking history timeline or something of that sort.. as for the rest of the class, i'll need more time to think :) but everyone will have something. oh yeah, i shall be the omnipotent and omniscient narrator :D


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