Saturday, April 16, 2005

hello world. i have just returned home from another week at SISPEC.

as i type this, i am glancing occasionally at this enormous blister at the side of my big toe. its huge, its puffy, and its certainly painful. as i type this, i am also observing my hands, which somehow don't really look like my hands to me anymore. i have approximately 20 mosquito bites on each hand and there are cuts all over my hands, and i look like i have leprosy.

these injuries were sustained during my navigation exercise, which lasted for three days. I have slept an average of four hours each day for the past week, and during my waking hours i walk about pulau tekong with a map on one hand and a compass on the other, while carrying about 10 kg worth of weight. it certainly doesnt help that we were not allowed to walk on roads, and hence we had to walk through jungle terrain.

oh did i mention that i will have even more adventures in the tekong jungle next week? wtf baby, wtf.


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