Thursday, September 15, 2005

OMG I was just in-finished-frantic-test-and-in-bored-mode and came here to post something along the lines of "WHY IS THE BLOG DEAD AGAIN" before I realized that Mark beat me to the punch although it seems we mostly use this blog for announcements now.
Anyway just wanted to say hi to everyone and that I'm settled. I never did say a proper thank-you for your going-away gifts did I? So, one month on: THANKS MUCHLY. I was reading all your funny and sweet comments while in the departure lounge and I love love you guys for everything but in particular for possessing the ability for being so lovely without being overly-sentimental (although people say I'm so cold-blooded to not cry at farewells, but really lah I DID cry when I was here during transition-period).
Have fun at the not-Jolly-Shandy party, wish I could be there (have not been to a frat party yet, YA I AM BORING LAH) if only to take photos of you drunk dogs at the end.

- s. ning


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