Thursday, October 13, 2005

Shut up lah Chun Chun you CHEE KO PEK :((

Now on to more important news, everyone please forget all the negative things I have said about NUS thus far, because I think that YOU SHOULD ALL COME TO NUS FASS!!!!! (I mean those who haven't decided yet, and if going overseas is not an option.) It will be like JC again! See right, when you go to NUS, you will have to start making new friends - you will rarely ever find the chance to socialize with your friends from other faculties - and, while it's impt to make new friends, it's also damn lame and boring, plus a lot of the people here are pooey. In fact, you will be greatly in want of familiar company, and instructions on how to go to canteen etc, and who better to look to than your JC classmates that are already in NUS FASS?? That way you will be one of the freshmen who look cool because first day of school you already got a bunch of people to talk cock and eat lunch with. I mean, how is that not a great thing??

So far the tally:
NUS FASS - Jie Qi, Sona, Yi San, Genevieve, Cherylene, Angeline
Future NUS FASS - Chun Wee, Justin (IF HE TAKES UP MOE SCHOLARSHIP), Roger (?), etc.


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