Sunday, April 17, 2005

And I have just returned from guard duty, with more mosquito bites than you. A heavy downpour yesterday afternoon was the cue for swarms of bloodsucking hellspawn to rise from the abundant greenery of Khatib Camp and descend upon my unprotected lower arms in an unprovoked feeding frenzy. Being a sentry, I was a sitting duck target of vast magnitude. The first wave came at my 6-8pm shift last night. I sustained no fewer than 18 bites on both arms, and at one time there were four(!) of the infernal beasts buzzing around me.

I survived that - to face worse this morning. The unrelenting assault made me feel as if I was being eaten alive. I was only too glad to leave my post at 8am and let the next mosquito bait take over. I think I have something like 30 bites on two arms now. Augh.


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