Friday, April 01, 2005

HA HA HA!!!!!!

Sorry, I'm just very amused by the whole Mona-being-kicked-to-YJ thing. I mean, was she really KICKED there, or did she merely get transferred? Because those are two completely different things. And I'm sorry for dredging up this issue AGAIN, but haiyah, what to do, some people (i.e. me) are just SLOWER, ok.

Anyway WOW that pic of us in our uniforms in J1 really makes me want to go back to being a J1 again :(((((((( (I mean, aside from the studying and all that)

P.S. By the way, Lumpus, I know you're a busy woman investing in stocks and shares and all that, but when you have the time, can you please update our blog's layout? The current one is so girly :((


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