Thursday, May 26, 2005

Firstly this is in reply to Yi San - I think my mum gets her beads from Arab Street, but I'll ask her again.
Anyway, I think most people know I am going to U of Virginia to do English. I met some of my seniors/fellow first-years today and everyone was nice. As in no difficult-to-deal-with people at all. It's hard to say though - I mean, did any of you fiendishly hate your first day of RJ orientation? I am happy other than the fact that there is NO PROPER CHINESE FOOD in Virginia because it is ulu and full of rich white folks. (This is in contrast to say, L.A., which is 40% Hispanic and has not-bad Asian food.)
This is a just a side-note to say that Gen told me to seek out the Magnolia Bakery in New York because it appears in Sex in the City or something? Anyhow, I was looking for their phone number in the hotel directory and look!

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Yes, there is a PONCE BAKERY in Manhattan. What fun.

- s. ning


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