Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I shall refrain from commenting on all the globe-trotting, for the resulting jealousy may drive my keyboard up my nose. Just, you know, whoo! However, sning!!! YOU SAW THE STORMTROOPERS OUTSIDE GRAUMAN!!! Did you see them get escorted back? hahaha. Also, can I hate you with a passion now?

Alas, I'm glad that we're currently distracted from posts regarding NS; NS sucks; NS really sucks; no, really, NS SUCKS; so on and so forth.

Oh, yes, lammie wanted me to inform everyone that she loves Pharrell Williams and wants to have his babies and name them Pharrell Jr., Pharrell Jr. Jr., Pharrell Jr. Jr. Jr., etc. Alternatively, I suggest Pharrell Jr., Pharrelly and Pharrellam.

Lastly, because I am random and bored, everyone go see this. "A Lesson In Self-Defense For Every New-Yorker." The video is quite short, and really quite awesome. Watch and learn, ladies.


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