Saturday, October 08, 2005

However NUS is not without its merits lah. For instance, the entire volume of DAVID JOEL'S STEINBERG southeast asia book is ONLINE!!! In the NUS digital library!!!!!!!! To think how we suffered trying to be the first to get the book in the rjc library, and how we further suffered lugging it home!!!!

Also, the canteen food is decidedly better than rjc canteen food. Also, it is much more affordable. A plate of char kway teow is $1.80, and it is EDIBLE, in fact.

Also, being able to plan your own timetable is damn fun. I don't have school on Monday (therefore, no more 'Monday blues' for me), and my Friday lessons end early, and are very short. So in general life is quite shiok.

And don't apply to the University Scholars' Program, (assuming any of you are still considering it) : first, you have to take retarded modules (well..I don't really know what they are, but I think they are retarded anyway), you don't get to fraternize with the general populace of the Arts faculty, and life in general sucks.

However, of course, one positive thing to look forward to if you go to NUS Arts is the presence of my company!!!!!!!!! :))))))))))))))


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