Saturday, October 08, 2005

Wow, a new design... which looks better than the old one. I find the star especially irresistible.

Whoops, Yi San, most of your advice is too late for me. That's just so sad, I think I'll be crying myself to sleep tonight.

I also think I've experienced most of the stupid shit guys pull on each other (cake + face, getting dunked etc) and I can say I most definitely would not enjoy having kinky things done to me involving strawberries and cream. Because kinky is one thing, and the clean-up being a bitch quite another.

I'll end off with some Today in History here: it was on this day in 1967 that Che Guevara was captured by Bolivian soldiers. He was executed the next day. I think a lot of you fancy him so that is something to note down.


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