Saturday, April 02, 2005

5 more days to enlistment... i dunnoe to be sad or happy... i suppose im having mixed feelings now... freedom lost..missing loved ones and frens on one hand..on the other.. being able to save money, not needing to put a strain on my family's finances as well as being paid just to work out..haha..sounds good but of cos the regimental system and total loss of freedom is probably gonna be quite im going there with an open mind...

Pre enlistment feelings aside, I have resigned from my job and right now am bumming around the realms of freedom..savouring every moment of it! haha.. can be quite cool to stay home especially when the weather is all so cool and slp inducing..ponce will understand since she has had the longest experience in bumming around since A LEVELS!!! PONCE if ur reading this, im anticipating a strong and powerful defence for urself..haha...

other than that, looking forward to mondae when i can u all again..well not all but almost half ya!



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