Tuesday, April 26, 2005

i finally decided to post something, lest i be accused of sinking under everyone's radar i know i haven't been very visible. well the horror stories of NS just keeps coming, makes me glad i'm a girl! while the guys have been disfigured by mosquitoes and other tekong beasts, i've been drowning in the WORLD GOURMET SUMMIT. now folks, bear that nane in mind, because the next time someone asks you to volunteer for this event/do part time work, please, i beg of you, DO NOT AGREE. else you'll end up like me, lost in the arabian sea and tossed by the waves of Anthony Bourdain. and if you think i get to taste posh nosh and wine... hell no.

ah yes, i feel better now :) i've gotta go do the law thing.... looking forward to the class gathering! cheerio!


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