Sunday, October 09, 2005

Ok Jusse, before I went to NUS, I also thought that the idea of being in the USP was quite appealing, but actually it has even less prestige (AND value) than, say, being in a JC's Humanities programme. Really! You just end up studying more! Go and read Qiyan's gf's site (, she also complains about it. Plus, the most important thing is that it DOES NOT GIVE YOU ANY MONETARY REWARD!!!! Wah lao so cheapskate right! The only "perk" is that you have priority to stay in the PGP hostel, but knowing you, right, Jusse, if you decide to stay in the uni's hostel, you will DEFINITELY want to stay in a "normal" hall like Eusoff, Temasek etc, where there's a lot of interaction and games etc, perfect for a person like you. A person like you would feel greatly isolated and hermit-ted if you stay in PGP (and it's not like USP pays for you to stay in PGP, and, what's more, it's the most expensive of all other hostels.)

However, I guess the USP is also not that bad, if you are a more ambitious person than me - i.e. you value being able to study a wider range of subjects and fields, you like interacting with more smarter people, you appreciate the extra knowledge, etc.

Hmm I think that SMU may REALLY be more stressful than NUS (arts, at least)! I everyday so slack whereas my sis (in SMU) everyday come home like want to die, quit school etc lidat. They also have very fun and original CCAs!

Btw Justin if you take up the MOE scholarship you'd most likely study in the arts fac, right? Well you could major in something like Econs what! You like econs, right? And yes Jusse of course WE ALL can imagine you being a PE teacher lah! DUHHHHHHHHHH :)))))))

Chun Chun you are outdated already lah. Che Guevara is no longer in vogue. You know which character in history is in vogue now? MUSSOLINI, that's who!!!!!!!!!

S.Ning, I realize that the only kind of history I like is SEA History and stuff on the Cold War, hahaha, all the stuff we learnt in JC!!! I have NO INTEREST in learning all the shit I'm learning now, like um Industrial Revolution, Meiji Restoration, Indian mutiny, YUCKS YUCKS, none of these interest me, they are all so irrelevant. In fact I am going to do an essay on China's modernisation (after the Opium War etc) so any help from anyone who wants to offer it would be muchly appreciated.

Off to change the layout again, to achieve HAPPY MEDIUM! (or maybe not)


At 12/09/2008 6:11 am, Blogger Unknown said...

Please do read up more about the USP before dissing it so harshly. Happily, our lives do not revolve around money, believe it or not there are other things more valuable like experience and traveling. Anyway, the USP reserved $3000 for each student who can use it to fund a business venture approved by the faculty, travel or embark on a project. It is terribly unfair to speak about humanities in Junior College like it is less worthwhile than the Sciences. Perhaps only to narrow minded Singaporeans like you who are not only philistines but also increasingly materialistic. Please, do the world a favor and open up your mind.


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