Monday, June 30, 2003

But has anyone noticed that with the new template, there is no way of identifying who made a post? All it says is "w/ tears You"...

Oh and Angeline said on her blog that Mr Chua is leaving the school next month.

- Yi San

Templates good... nice and dark, just the way I like it ;-)

Hey Justin, hope you get your com fixed soon, I know what it feels like to be cut off from one of your main sources of leisure... :-(

Sunday, June 29, 2003

haha i like the template too haha u guys owe me one~~~

Saturday, June 28, 2003

hey pple!!!!!!!!!!!! haha borrowing my friend's com to blog and check mail! i like the template! its damn cool!!! will do more house keeping work when my com is back...idiotic com..might be a blessing in disguise though since it forces me to mug! 1 more day and its common's every1 doing so gonna die....ahhh!!!!!!! cant wait for this damn thing to be over man... - justin -

Hey niiice template brilliant!! Will try and write more after common tests...

Um well if we send invitations and they don't check... no use also.

Friday, June 27, 2003

by the way dat was me-yaxin

ok i changed the template cos the old one was ugly.

Thursday, June 26, 2003

Ok, the Internet is too fast tonight already... wtf lah.

yes! it worked!

finally I got myself an account and.. wonder whether this post will work.. the last one didn't...

Right... complaints about the blog coming in... let's just give it a shot with this post.

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Hm ok, that's done and the blog is back to normal.:-) Isn't the new template nice?;-) One complaint is the blog description is far too close to the title... should have one line spacing or something. Tried to fix is but for some reason couldn't. :-(

Ha, the blog looked real funny just now... fixed it with a new template, but I sure hope this works without wiping out our earlier posts... Blah.:(

Man I think I'm totally screwing up the font size by trying to change the heading of this friggin blog. Ah well. Here is a very simple banner I did this morning for fun. Unsure of what to do with it though. Recognise the place where I took the photo? ;)

Btw who is nigle and yes yi san I have a blog.

muhaha added myself as a member

hello... juz droppin in to say hi... -nigle

oooh blog blog blog. kk i'm going to schlomp to bed now but i just had to barge in and say hi first. =sona=

He just went to the template and replaced the default links set by Blogger (as previously seen, on the left of the page) with his own links. Shuang Ning, you have a blog?

Haha... crash course in HTML. If I was just that tad more free I'd help.>:p

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

ROGER!! How did you do that? Yes we mere mortals aren't so quick to pick it up... nvm that's not the pt. Thought it'd be interesting to put up our own individual blogs as links... so reveal the secret pls.

To add a link, type: <a href=URL of link here>link</a>
To set a picture as background: <body background=URL of background img>

Yay people are using the blog! Ok anyway does anyone know how to a) add links b) set a picture as background? As yet I am pretty new to blog and used html about 3 years ago...
.:s. ning:.

Of course I enjoy bitching (although I would the world didn't give me so much to bitch about). It is always good to let off a little steam once in a while, isn't it? But don't overindulge, and I do not.;)

What? Chun Wee enjoys bitching? And Roger actually displays signs of perkiness?
This blog is miraculous! :)

this shld be fun.. hmm.. calling all html savvy ple.. do brighten this blog up.. =) angeline

Hey everyone, this is a brilliant idea. Our own little place on the Web for us to bitch.:) Better than the egroups, I guess.;p


that was me. hooray again!

Welcome one and all... as you can see I have been bitten by the blog bug and just couldn't wait to start this one. Ct revision plans lie in ruins behind me. But what the heck. Holidays (if you can call it that) are almost over. Half of our J1 year is gone. So let's get cracking in placing memories in stone...

.:s. ning:.