Friday, June 17, 2005

On abortion: apparently it is a popular question in the selection interview for the NUS Faculty of Medicine, and so there was a fair bit of discussion making the rounds earlier this year. With Christians and Catholics dominant in my course then and battery now (I shared a bunk with 2 Christians and 2 Catholics), the general opinion among us would seem quite obvious. All I will say about my views on the matter is I can only support the advancement of free will.

Looking forward to tommorrow too. Hope we have fun.

haha.. guess what, the 'are u gay' question was thrown around in one of the sispec training sheds in tekong a few days ago.. my friend went around asking all our platoonmates. this was followed the next day by the question, 'do u believe in abortion', which resulted in many huge debates involving at least four pple.

following that, he asked around, 'are u a virgin' - apparently, not that many pple as we had originally expected gave an affirmative answer. but that's another story.

when one asks another person, 'are u homophobic', isit like asking, 'do u have five dollars' - i.e. does it mean that there is a high confidence interval of the answer being 'yes'? what if the realy answer is that, you don't really know. perhaps u have just been deluding yourself all these years (yup, we delude ourselves abt ALL SORTS of things, so why not this?) maybe one just hasn't found 'the one' yet. if nothing in life is certain, why would this be?

hence, in conclusion, i feel that the answer is, 'i don't know', or the classic answer, 'there is insufficient evidence to suggest in the affirmative'


anyway, i would also like to proclaim that yours truly has botched up the only chance to get a nice one-month within these two years. i failed the bicycle test that could have gotten me the one month motorbike course. sigh. it feels much worse than failing any school test, and has prodded me into wondering, do i really know how to cycle? maybe i've just been deluding myself...

greatly looking forward to the class gathering tmr... it would indeed bring back poignant memories of the class party at sean's home last november

What time does the shindig at Sean's house start?

- s. ning

Thursday, June 16, 2005

If you're going to Sean's house this Saturday:

It is not COMPULSORY to bring food, as it is not strictly a pot luck. :)

Monday, June 13, 2005

haha "make up your mind".. That's true. Well I've always said that I want a gay best friend, like Rupert Everett (in real life)/George (in My Best Friend's Wedding), so I guess I'm not homophobic. In fact, I have an article on my wall concerning gay marriages, and it's one of my favourites, because it's illuminating, or something. Besides, it's not like homosexuals thought to themselves, "hmmm, how can I make my life more exciting?" and decided homosexuality is the way to go (at least I don't think that's how it works, right? Right?) and it probably takes more courage than I'll ever know to come out of the closet, so.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

No, of course I am not homophobic. I mean, I think it would be very interesting to have a homosexual acquaintance, friend or even good friend.

BUT I don't think I will be joining the ranks of homosexuals any time soon, because, I dunno, the idea of ROMANCING a girl (or, worse still - FEELING HER UP) just weirds me out.

Anyway, speaking of homosexuals, it seems that, of late, being a Singaporean lesbian is a very fashionable and trendy thing. The number of lesbian couples I've seen on the streets recently is just .... mindboggling. Usually, a butch makes up one-half of the couple (before you go DUH on me - it is NOT a requisite, ok - 2 girly girls can be lesbian lovers also what) - and, I mean, what the hell???? HOW COULD ANYONE FIND A BUTCH ATTRACTIVE? Yucks. Gross. I mean, it's like a HALF-BAKED VERSION of a boy.

I think people who are attracted to butches simply do not know what they want. I mean, either like a boy or a girl. MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!! :(((

I believe I am not homophobic. I see homosexuality as a matter of free will, of people doing what they want with their own private lives, and that is perfectly acceptable to me. They are merely exercising their rights to live their own lives as they see fit, so why is there reason to be so worked up over it? If they want to bugger each other in their free time, let them. It harms no one at all.

A question

As brought into being by Mark's instant and horrified reaction to 'trannies'. For the guys (you know something? I can't type 'boys' cos that sounds like pri school, and I can't type 'men' cos no way am I calling you men, so it's 'guys' all the time), are you homophobic?
Girls can answer too if they feel like answering

- s. ning


ok anyway for some curious gerbils out there i'm now at TASC/UAVTS. A slightly more visual representation would look like this:

airforce > tactical air support command > unmanned aerial vehicle training school > murai camp > me!

So basically i've been on leave since the day i passed out from SISPEC and my leave ends on monday the 13th...that's almost TWO WEEKS off for those who need help w/ the math. I dont mean to gloat but my new unit is seriously DA BOMB because i have no more PT, no more outfield, no more camou, no more SBO-helmet-rifle attire...for the rest of my NS and reservist life. Yeah although i do kind of miss running sometimes...but then i hit myself over the head w/ my rifle and tell myself not to be stupid. Oh wait! I dont even have a rifle anymore!

In other news, I must let everyone know that i saw a bunch of TRANNIES at mambo on wednesday! My eyesight just deteriorated by a THOUSAND DEGREES in that instant. So from now on i will only be seen wearing goggles. Anyone remember Charles / Charlene who was one batch older than us? Hope he/she/it is doing fine. Bye! for now

-mark (sometimes the fark)

Sunday, June 05, 2005

nice film by a bunch of singaporean guys... guys who play soccer will understand it totally haha

Friday, June 03, 2005

Can the following people please bring back the items they borrowed from me on Sunday if a) you are coming, and b) you have finished reading/watching them.

Yi San - the two Daria movie DVDs
Elgin - Carnet de Voyage

Thank you!

- s. ning

Thursday, June 02, 2005

wheee... i have just finishedmy BSLC course at SISPEC and I have been posted to combat engineers... this means no more tekong haha. Hopefully i get to be in demolitions or chemical defence cos i will get hazard pay, which is rumoured to be between 300-200 bucks... anyone know where mark the fark went? Anyway booking into my new camp soon... byez

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

hey everybody this sunday class lunch in town meet at orchard 1pm okay. i haf no freaking idea wad the classemail is. anyway if u haf any suggestions for a place to eat please throw it in. thanks!!

Yup, Yaxin's organising a class lunch this Sunday.