Saturday, January 28, 2006

Btw I urge everyone (MALES, that is) to come VISIT NUS on your free days!!!! So far JUSSE and ROARJER have done so already. You will get a free NUS tour by the girls, and we don't mean GAY ASS typical orientation-like tours; on OUR tours we show you the best places in NUS to watch people and laugh at their loserish-ness, the best places to smoke, the best way to get scolded by colonial dogs (ask sona), the best hideouts to have sex (ask ponce), the best places to read bible and meditate (ask lammie), etc etc, and obviously the company is good, so what are you waiting for!


I know it's the Year of the Dog, but you don't have to be a Chinese New Year bitch!


Friday, January 27, 2006

我 想, "心 想 成" 也 适 当... ...

恭喜发财 everyone!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

"Satan is the Johnny Depp of Paradise Lost - I guess that would make Orlando Bloom the one who plays God."
- My History of Lit prof

Wah lau, crazy people.

Monday, January 16, 2006

I DID (on his blog lah). Hope you had an excellent one Justin!
Anyway, I am back in Virginia now and am very very jetlagged. It is Sunday 2pm and it is very sunny out but also extremely cold so all the skin of my hands is going to peel off soon. My luggage lies all over the floor, and I am going to fall over and sleep now.
Have a good week and I had a wonderful break, thank you 1c. :)

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Why has no one wished jusse a happy (belated) birthday?????



Saturday, January 14, 2006


Sunday, January 01, 2006

Was hoping to get the first post of 2006. Well-beaten, but never mind.

Happy New Year everyone, and here is hoping this brand new year will be better than the last.

Will now proceed to emulate Zihao on this very day last year and remark on how much I still miss school and seeing everyone with all their various quirks and idiosyncracies everyday. We simply have to keep meeting up.

And keep this good old blog going, too.

HAPPY 2006, you guys
