Friday, September 23, 2005

Is 6.30pm a bit too late??? See, by the time we wait for everyone to arrive and make it to the dumbass' house, it will be 7+pm.. and most people will have to go by maybe 9+, 10pm. And not all of us stay in Dover too, ok!! What if I go home late and MISS THE LAST TRAIN I DO NOT WANT TO BE STRANDED IN GOD-FORSAKEN BUONA VISTA!!!!!

By the way Marfk, the only thing I will be bringing to your house is toothpicks with which to eat COCKTAIL SAUSAGES WHICH YOU SHALL PROVIDE, BY HOOK OR BY CROOK OKAY

Thursday, September 22, 2005

RE: This Saturday.

According to Justin, organiser of all things good and class-related, Saturday meet at Buona Vista 630pm and then I will come collect you. Please bring food because I is burning holes in my pocket already. Any queries gimme a call.


Saturday, September 17, 2005

he who drinks beer gets drunk
he who gets drunk falls asleep
he who falls asleep does not sin
he who does not sin goes to heaven
so, drink beer and go to heaven.

something i got from my mess in camp haha. so if you want to do zihao a favour, get him drunk.

How many? Need you ask, the answer is the more the merrier. And please no Tiger beer, because that stuff tastes like piss. Actually, come to think of it, beer in general tastes like piss.

Target for 24th: Get Zihao drunk, naked and in bed.


Thursday, September 15, 2005

OMG I was just in-finished-frantic-test-and-in-bored-mode and came here to post something along the lines of "WHY IS THE BLOG DEAD AGAIN" before I realized that Mark beat me to the punch although it seems we mostly use this blog for announcements now.
Anyway just wanted to say hi to everyone and that I'm settled. I never did say a proper thank-you for your going-away gifts did I? So, one month on: THANKS MUCHLY. I was reading all your funny and sweet comments while in the departure lounge and I love love you guys for everything but in particular for possessing the ability for being so lovely without being overly-sentimental (although people say I'm so cold-blooded to not cry at farewells, but really lah I DID cry when I was here during transition-period).
Have fun at the not-Jolly-Shandy party, wish I could be there (have not been to a frat party yet, YA I AM BORING LAH) if only to take photos of you drunk dogs at the end.

- s. ning

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Hi I've been informed that there's some schiznatttt party going on at my place come the 24th? Question is...does anyone mind if I break out the drinks, and I'm not talking jolly shandy here. If there are no violent objections it'd be nice to know how many bottles of the bubbly we're talking here. Thanks have a nice day.
